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Climber: David Leboe
Consulting and Contract Engineering
SoftPath Innovations provides leadership, project management and systems-based engineering design expertise to clients focused on clean energy technologies and to early stage product development companies.

About Us

At SoftPath Innovations, we believe that our global future depends on our approach to the production and consumption of energy. We know that technology and innovation will play a critical role in enabling the balance of supply and demand and that the successful application of technology must focus on both:
Increasing the energy efficiency of our current infrastructure and products (more for less)
The development of a diverse range of energy production methods with an emphasis on renewable technologies (move towards sustainability and diversity)
We are committed to applying our expertise to help companies become successful in these areas.
the soft energy path
“...combines a prompt and serious commitment to efficient use of energy, rapid development of renewable energy sources…and special transitional fossil-fuel technologies. This path, a whole greater than the sum of its parts, diverges radically from incremental past practices to pursue long-term goals.”
Amory B. Lovins, 1976
David Leboe P.Eng
David is passionate about energy and the environment and is committed to making positive impacts. As a Professional Mechanical and Systems Engineer with over 20 years experience in clean energy innovations and power systems technologies, David brings a depth of experience in portfolio and project management, product development, technical business development and systems engineering.
David serves as the principal consultant at SoftPath Innovations providing leadership, innovation and systems design to clients to early stage companies focused on clean energy technologies.

Projects Experience

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